Jaguar 420 Reverse Engineering Chrome Boot Surround
Europac3d was recently given the task of reverse engineering the chrome boot surround of a 1967 420 s Jaguar. The part was scanned using a romer portable measuirng arm and Perceptron V5 scanner. Collecting 458000 points per second and achieving an accuracy of less than 25 microns was realised to produce a perfect replica of the original part. The point cloud collected from the scanner was converted to an STL triangulated surface and then imported into Rapidfrom XOR reverse engineering software. Inside of rapidform is was then possible to create a full parametric solid model ready for re-manufacture. The solid model produced can be live transferred into native CAd systems such as Solidworks, Unigraphics, Autocad, NX and Catia.
3d laser scanning, reverse engineering software, Rapidform XOR
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