Fender Fat Strat HSS Tone Demo


This is my MIM strat project. I wasn't entirely satisfied with the Lace Sensor's I had in this strat so I redid the whole darned thing. I have a Texas Special in the neck, a Seymour Duncan SSL-3 in the middle, and the humbucker is a Gibson 490. I had the texas special sitting in my drawer for a little while, but for the other two I made a straight trade at a local music store. So far I'm pretty happy. I took a dremel to the pickguard and opened up a nice big spot for the humbucker. I then screwed it directly into the body. It took me like 3 hours to figure out how to wire it, I think there are like 5 wires coming out of it. I've never really seen a Gibson humbucker before...Then when I did get a plan I accidentally cut the wires because they are so darned thin. But after all my torture it is up and running. I have a master volume, tone for the neck and middle, and tone for the bridge hooked up. I am just trying some different things out. Towards the end (6:00 mark) I turn on a back track on my Boss RC-2 Loop Station. I set my Fender Blues Junior amp with the preamp volume at about 5, just before breakup, and the master at about 3 or 4. The added gain is from my BYOC TS-808 clone. I modded it pretty heavily so it may not be much of a ts anymore. I am pretty hooked on the strat's neck tone, but as for the bridge I've never been too impressed. Maybe this will work. Only time will tell... If you want to get right to the good stuff I throw down a shuffle for the last few <b>...</b>


Fender, strat, fat, hss, stratocaster, tone, demo, diy, gibson, 490, humbucker, texas, special, seymour, duncan, ssl-3, BYOC, ts-808, tube, screamer, Boss, RC-2, Loop, station, blues, junior, NOS, jensen, speaker, rock, jam

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