Rushden Cavalcade 02.05.2011 Part 2/2


Part 2/2. This video shows some of the vintage vehicles arriving under their own steam at the Rushden Cavalcade on the 2nd May 2011. The 33rd Rushden Cavalcade took place over the 30th April and the 1st and 2nd May 2011. This video, taken on the A6 near the cavalcade, features classic cars, motorbikes, a vintage bus, a recovery lorry, commercial vehicles, a classic tractor, fire and police emergency vehicles and American cars. Some of the vehicles included a Ford Capri, MGB Convertible, Northampton Corporation Daimler Bus No. 246, Ford Cortina MK I, Austin A30, Austin 7 Saloon, Dolomite Sprint, Series II Land Rover Variations, BSA and Triumph motorbikes, Jaguar MK II 4 door and 2 door convertible, Citroen 2CV, Model T Ford Convertible, Vauxhall Viva SL, Morris Minor Variations, VW Campervans, Morris Marina, Early Ford tractor and a BSA 2-stroke 3 wheeled car convertible.


Vintage, Vehicles, Rushden, Cavalcade, Transport, Road, 33rd, Classic, Cars, Motorbikes, Bus, Recovery, Lorry, Commercial, Tractor, Fire, Police, Emergency, American, Ford, Capri, MGB, Convertible, Northampton, Corporation, No., 246, Cortin, Mk, Austin, A30, Saloon, Dolomite, Sprint, Series, II, Land, Rover, Variations, BSA, Triumph, Jaguar, door, Citroen, 2CV, Model, Vauxhall, Viva, SL, Morris, minorvw, Campervan, Marina, Early, 2-Stroke, Wheeled, 30th, April, 1st, 2nd, May, 2011, Northamptonshire, homemovieperson

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