Please click the subscribe button above as well as thumbs up, favorite, and comment (^_^)v FREE Complete Guide: FREE Gold & Leveling Guides: Twitter Facebook: What's up guy and girl players of World of Warcraft. This is Ryutarou AkA Tarou bringing you this week's WoW Report Episode 16, Sunday August 8th! For more FREE WoW guides, check out my website at In this Tarou weekly WoW Report, ingame news is once again pretty nonexistent so instead I'll be continuing my Cataclysm Beta news coverage answering all your questions and searching out any random changes I can find. Make sure to post your questions on my Twitter, Facebook, or below in the comment section. As always, Blizzard news and a Q&A session will be included so let's get started. Read the full report on my blog, Keep in mind tons of details and numbers are still being ironed out and anything can change before the final Cataclysm expac ships. Please subscribe today and visit for more FREE wow guides and news! Thanks for watching^^ and see you next Sunday! "Now go ... tell me what you think of anything featured in this week's Tarou's Weekly WoW Report in the comment section below!" For me, it's definately Reforging. Talk about a badass customization feature. This week's WoW Report is packed with a lot of info, links, and screenshots so be sure to read below the video on my website's <b>...</b>