privates NEF Nordoberpfalz in Regensburg (Mercedes G-Klasse)
Privates Notarzteinsatzfahrzeug aus dem Landkreis Neustadt/Waldnaab (Rotkreuz Nordoberpfalz 11/76-09) ist während dem Bürgerfest in Regensburg. German EMS responding: Emergency doctor from northern Upper Palatinate, Neustadt-Waldnaab district , is with his POV at the city festival in Regensburg. He supported the local EMS services. Pictures of the vehicle: Another video from the vehicle:
privat, privates, NEF, Notarzt, Notarzteinsatzfahrzeug, Nordoberpfalz, Oberpfalz, Regensburg, Mercedes-Benz, 400, CDI, 463, G-Klasse, V8, Blaulichtbalken, Hänsch, DBS, 975, LED, Weitblitz, Heckblitzer, Frontblitzer, Sputnik, pico, nano, Druckkammerlautsprecher, Pressluftanlage, Max, Martin, 2297, GM, Pressluft, Presslufthorn, german, ambulance, responding, EMS, emergency, service, doctor, POV, private, owned, vehicle, response, unit, code, lightbar, grill, Springlicht, wig-wag, hi-lo, two, tone, siren, air, horn, Intersection, Lights, Seitenblitzer
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