When You Look Me in the eyes - Versión Nicholas Jonas en Español
Existen 2 versiones diferentes de la canción, tanto en letra como en producción, la primera, lanzada en el disco de Nick Jonas.El conocido Jason Nevins hizo diferentes versiones de este sencillo, aumentando el éxito de tal. Esta es la versión original de la canción When You Look Me in the eyes. Esta traducida en español. Espero que les guste, la letra es hermosa. Tiene dos o tres estrofas distintas a la cancion que conocemos. La música es diferente tambien. Aca les dejo la letra en ingles : • If the heart is always searching, Can you ever find a home? I've been looking for that someone, I can't make it on my own Dreams can't take the place of loving you, There's gotta be a million reasons why it's true. When you look me in the eyes, And tell me that you love me. Everything's alright, When you're right here by my side. When you look me in the eyes, I catch a glimpse of heaven. I find my paradise, When you look me in the eyes. How long will I be waiting, To become a better man Gonna tell you that I love you, In the best way that I can. I can't take a day without you here, You're the light that makes my darkness disappear. When you look me in the eyes, And tell me that you love me. Everything's alright, When you're right here by my side. When you look me in the eyes, I catch a glimpse of heaven. I find my paradise, When you look me in the eyes. Every day, I start to realize, I can reach my tomorrow, I can hold my head up high, And it's all because you're by my side. When you <b>...</b>
when, look, jonas, eyes, you, jonas brothers, nick, blue, april, kevin, me, in, the, version, nicholas, español, subtitulos, subtitulada, traducida, ''desimeemechu'', ''nick, version'', ''when, eyes'', ''feat, joe, jonas''
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