Australian Car Commericials [WS]


A collection of some Australian Car ads from1985 - 2011. Ads include: Toyota Tarago, Nissan, Bryan Byrt Ford, Volvo 740 GLE, Ford and Mitsubishi Colt from 1985. Nissan Skyline from 1987. Ford Telstar from 1988. Mitsubishi from 1993 (2 ads with Agro). Mitsubishi Magna, Holden Statesman and Chrysler Jeep from 1996. Mitsubishi from 2002 (sorry about the bad audio). Nissan Tilda from 2008 and Toyota from 2011. Apologies for the 80s and 90s being stretched. I needed to strech this video for the ads at the end. All ads aired on Brisbane TV. (TVQ0, BTQ7, QTQ9, History Channel, Channel 11) I also have Denmac Ford ads with Greg Doolan from Wickety Wak found here: _______________________________________________________________ *1000 views - 25/6/11


yt:stretch=16:9, Australian, car, ads, advertisements, commercials, 1985, 1987, 1988, 1993, 1996, 2002, 2008, 2011, Toyota Tarago, Toyota, Nissan, Bryan Byrt Ford, Ford, Volvo 740 GLE, Volvo, Mitsubishi Colt, Mitsubishi, Nissan Skyline, Ford Telstar, Mitsubishi Magna, Agro, Holden Statesman, Holden, Chrysler Jeep, Jeep, Nissan Tilda

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