Nissan Note, 1.5L, Auto, 2005

Description Vehicle details . Make: NISSAN Model: NOTE Year: 2005 Main colour: BlackVehicle type: Passenger Car/Van Body style: Hatchback No of seats: 5 CC rating: 1490cc Fuel type: Petrol Assembly type: Imported Built-Up Country of origin: Japan Gross vehicle mass: 1345kg No of axles: 2 Vehicle Identification . VIN: 7AT0DH79X10015271 Engine no: HR15-071707 Chassis: E11-015271 Basic facts . VIN: 7AT0DH79X10015271 Reported stolen or wanted otherwise by the Police?: No Imported with structural damage: No Water/fire damage: No information on the record of any flood and/or fire damage Ownership information . No registered owners for this vehicle. Registration . Registration status: Registration origin: New Zealand New Vehicle usage: Not used Cause of latest registration: Used Previous country of registration: Japan Warrant of Fitness (WOF) . WOF expiry: 2011, July 7th (in 11 months 2 weeks 5 days) Last inspection: 2010, July 7th (Pass) Road User Charges (RUC) . The vehicle is not subject to RUC. . . CarJam Price Valuation . Valuations for the following submodels of NISSAN NOTE 2005, alphabetically sorted by submodel: Submodel Current Valuation 110489 kms Original New Price in 2005 NOTE IMPORT 1.5 H/B AUTO petrol; 1500; 4 cylinders $8542 N/A Turners Auctions price indication . Estimate auction price: $9245 (includes correction for estimated odometer reading) Average auction price: $9807 (price range $8800 -- $12050) Average odometer reading: 65347 (kms range 25891 <b>...</b>



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