Muslims Murder 500 Christians in Nigeria


What scares me most? is to regard as is impossible to find a communist or a Muslim, which they condemn, publicly, all the murders committed by them, to this day, at the expense of the poor and peaceful: ie innocent Christian martyrs! who can find in the West, a Muslim who condemn sharia? Quello che mi spaventa maggiormente? è considerare, come sia impossibile trovare un comunista, o un musulmano, che condanni, pubblicamente, tutti gli omicidi commessi da loro, ancora ai nostri giorni, ai danni dei poveri e pacifici cristiani martiri innocenti! Nebulous1982 SAID: 1. why don't you hear a single muslim complaining about christianity? [WHY IN ANY PART OF THE WORLD THE CHRISTIANS NOT ARE hurt someone because of their religion!] 2. Muslims may commit do terrible things, this does not mean that Islam supports it. [OWN YOU, NOT TELLING OF THE RIGHT TO FREEDOM OF RELIGION, YOU IS an accomplice of these: TORTURE AND MURDER] 3. Sharia is the islamic law, and there is no country on earth that rules truly according to the sharia. [HOW YOU CAN BE so hypocritical? WOTH IS "World Watch List 2011"] -- What crime could DO the Christians? if we (ie, the false democracies, led by Freemasons) we are under the absolute domination of the Jewish lobby for 200 years? all Muslim countries do not recognize the equality of citizens before the state, and in fact impose on documents the religious identity, and in fact, do not recognize the right to freedom of religion! this is a crime too great that <b>...</b>


Communist, China, Korea, Albanian, Babylonian, Egyptian, Islamic, Cairo, Baghdad, Police, Killing, worldwide, persecuted, database, secularism, cemetery, gene, DNA, Freemasons, law, horrors, Christian, Democracies, List, TORTURE, MURDER, FREEDOM, Battle, Muslim, persecution, sharia, marthyr, Assyrian, Church, choir, arabic, attack, horror, army, gost, spirit, Hymn, kam, Qasa, ufo, politic, spiritual, music, afghan, nuclear, science, palestine, Indonesia, Christ, Kosovo, Gojra, Pakistan, Turkey, Saudi, Arabia, Coptic, Priest, islam

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