Jacob vs Edward (Hot and Cold)


MegaAmtul's webcam video June 28, 2010, I hate to say this to haters of both or eachother but, I do pick both. Even he spoof, Vampires Suck, was better that Twilight, I would rather see Vampires Suck 2 than any Twilight series. The only reason I pick both is because, Edward in the spoof is sooooooo hottt! And Jacob is sincere and grateful for who he is and not too tacky like Edward. "I will risk my life for you", How tacky is that? Oh well, enjoy the horrible video :P!


Webcam, Video, megaamtul, Twilight, Moon, Edward, Bella, New, Spoof, Suck, Vampires, Jacob, Team, Jacward, Rules

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