Ace Combat 5: The Unsung War - The Unsung War


The Unsung War Ace Combat 5: The Unsung War (PlayStation 2 - 2004) Developed by Namco Published by Namco Composed by Keiki Kobayashi This song originally drew me to the Ace Combat series when I first heard it. That alone is a testament to its sheer awesomeness.


Ace, Combat, Five, The, Unsung, War, AC5TUW, ACVTUW, ACFTUW, AC, AC5, ACV, ACF, AC5:TUW, ACV:TUW, ACF:TUW, Namco, playstation, Two, PS2, Video, Game, Games, Music, Soundtrack, Song, Songs, OST, Keiki, Kobayashi

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