
In a world of war and conflict, is the idea of waging peace naive? In this episode of Riz Khan, we talk to two of the worlds leading voices on conflict resolution, Johan Galtung and Alvaro de Soto. Galtung, a Norwegian mathematician and sociologist, is also one of the founders of conflict resolution studies which define the concept of positive peace. De Soto, a 25-year veteran of the United Nations, served as a special envoy for Myanmar and was an adviser on Cyprus and the Middle East peace process. On the show we discussed what it would take to bring real peace to Afghanistan, the Middle East and other long-raging conflicts. In a world of war and conflict, is the idea of waging peace naive? In this episode of Riz Khan, we talk to two of the worlds leading voices on conflict resolution, Johan Galtung and Alvaro de Soto. Galtung, a Norwegian mathematician and sociologist, is also one of the founders of conflict resolution studies which define the concept of positive peace. De Soto, a 25-year veteran of the United Nations, served as a special envoy for Myanmar and was an adviser on Cyprus and the Middle East peace process. On the show we discussed what it would take to bring real peace to Afghanistan, the Middle East and other long-raging conflicts.


Riz, Khan, WAGING, PEACE, Aljazeera

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