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Cord 812

Designer unknown
Year 1937

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Cord Automobile - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

The sensational Cord 812 design was re-marketed almost immediately in 1940, but as a weakly-funded effort by ailing automakers Hupmobile and Graham-Paige, ...

1937 Cord 812 Images, Information and History (SC, Supercharged ...

In 1937 Cord offered the 812 in six different bodystyles including the Convertible Coupe, Beverly Sedan, Custom Beverly, Custom Berline, Phaeton, ...

YouTube - Running Cord 812

Running Cord 812, 2003. ... StephanAOTTO1 Check out the Cord 812 video I've just posted! 1 year ago. onearmbiker I hate yellow! Those hidden tailights are ...

HowStuffWorks "1936-1937 Cord 810/812"

The 1936-1937 Cord 810/812 had all the makings for a classic car, with innovative engineering and performance. Explore the 1936-1937 Cord 810/812.

HowStuffWorks "1936 Cord 810, 1937 Cord 812"

The problems of the Cord 810 and 812 cars reflected those of the fast-fading company. Read about the last of the Cord company cars in this article.

Cord Automobile --- 1936 Cord and 1937 Cord

Everthing about 1936 and 1937 Cord automobiles. ... Cord 810 and 812 lore for the enthusiast. To contact me directly send e-mail. To comment publicly ...

His Nibs: Jay Leno's Garage -- 1937 Cord 812 Westchester

Apr 10, 2009 ... Jay Leno's Garage -- 1937 Cord 812 Westchester. Jay Leno produces some really terrific videos about his ever-enlarging car collection. ...

The Showroom of Automotive History: 1937 Cord

In the brief history of the 810/812 Cords two names stand out--Errett Lobban Cord and Gordon Buehrig. E.L. Cord was first and foremost a salesman, ...