Car videos » Austin cars »

Austin Montego 1.3

Maestro 1.3L - 1980's UK Advert
Maestro 1.3L - 1980's UK Advert

Maestro 1.3L - 1980's UK Advert

Maestro, 1.3L, Adverts, 1980's, 80's, 1990's, 90's
Rover Maestro 1.3 LHD in Snow
Rover Maestro 1.3 LHD in Snow

Carefully pacing the snowy, icy roads in my left hand drive Bulgarian Maestro. Shiny, much?

rover, maestro, LHD, snow
1996 Rodacar Maestro 1.3 Walkround
1996 Rodacar Maestro 1.3 Walkround

My Bulgarian Maestro with 3500 miles - just waxed for the Winter.

1996, Austin, Rover, Rodacar, Maestro, Montego, 1.3, Bulgarian
Drive-by - Rodacar Maestro 1.3 LHD, 1k miles
Drive-by - Rodacar Maestro 1.3 LHD, 1k miles

My 1k mile Rover (Rodacar) Maestro 1.3 left hand drive.

Rover, Austin, Maestro, Montego, Rodacar
Designer unknown
Year 1984

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