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Gurgel X-12

Designer unknown
Year 1979

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Gurgel - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Gurgel Tocantins > An evolution of Xavante X12. Bigger motor, 4 X 2 and also with fiberglass chassis. Produced under total state protectionism in 1980's. ...


In Brazil, the most popular 2WD off-road vehicle is the VW Fusca (Beetle), but the Gurgel X12 is also a good choice. Produced between 1969 and 1992(? ...

Classificados Gurgel :: X-12

X-12 a venda, Gurgel X-13 TR R$ 10.500,00 Rio Grande do sul ... X-12 a venda, Gurgel X12 TR 1984 Original, 0 (#0), 169, 23/05/2010, Veiculo original, ...

Gurgel x12 - Trovit Carros

gurgel x12 a partir de R$5.700, gurgel x12 conversível reformado com capota removível jipe gurgel x12 ..., gurgel x12.

QUATRO RODAS - Gurgel X-12

Antes de tudo um bravo, o jipinho só tinha tração traseira, mas encarava qualquer desafio na terra.

Gurgel X-12 and X-15 Light Vehicle Family (Brazil) - Jane's ...

Development/DescriptionDESCRIPTIONThe Gurgel X-12-RM light vehicle was developed primarily for civilapplications but does have a military use as, ...

Gurgel X 12 TR on Flickr - Photo Sharing!

Feb 23, 2009 ... Seems like for a long while Senor Gurgel only had a pencil and a set square to design his cars with. They've definitely got character, ...

Kdf-Wagen - VW brochures - page 67 of 74

1985: VW - 1977 - GURGEL X-12 - [8134] id [8134]. brochures 1 picture bogar. 1977 Brazil - Portuguese VW misc "GURGEL X-12" ...