PIX BATTEN 160 is a professional pixel batten. Powered by arKaos, you can play any video, visual or graphic by your laptop or macbook. Plug and play, auto configuration, flexible in installation, approachable but no compromise in performance makes PI…
PIX BATTEN 160, pixel, arkaos, Media Master, video, visual, LED, stage lightingPIX BATTEN 160 is a professional pixel batten. Powered by arKaos, you can play any video, visual or graphic by your laptop or macbook. Plug and play, auto configuration, flexible in installation, approachable but no compromise in performance makes PI…
Pixel, arkaos, stage lighting, video, LEDAnother video of my 90 gallon tank after it went through some changes early 2011... Equipment: Lighting unit contains (2) 250W 10K Metal Halides and (4) 54W T5 Actinic lights with (14) 1W Blue Led moonlights (2) 1300GPH Powerheads 30 gallon DIY sump/…
Mendota, IL, Illinois, Reef, Aquarium, DIY, Do, it, yourself, sump, refugium, odyssea, PS160, Protein, Skimmer, Algae, Macro, Chaetomorpha, Cheato, Chaeto, Corals, Anemone, RBTA, Rose, Bubble, Tip, Maroon, Clown, Fish, Nemo, Marlin, Dori, Saltwater, HTC, EVO, 4G