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Lancia Aurelia B21

SPR 2009 Martin Willems driving the Lancia Aurelia B20
SPR 2009 Martin Willems driving the Lancia Aurelia B20

Sliding Pillar Raley 2009, Martin Willems is driving his Aurelia B20 GT through the Champain hills following a Belgian Lancia Flavia Convertible.

Francosporto, Lancia B20, Aurelia B20, Gianni Lancia not Bankrupt, Lancia B20-543, 3valve head, V6 3valve engine, Lancia Aurelia B20, classic cars, Lancia, Aurelia, B20, B21, sliding pillar rally, Martin Willems, Lancia Classic Cars, SPR 2009, Lancia Aurelia, SPR 2010, 2500GT
Lancia Aurelia ZE 06
Lancia Aurelia ZE 06

$245000 B20 GT Designed by Victorio Jano who designed the Alpha Romeros including the Mono and P3 This model was introduced in 1949 This car underwent complete restoration in the 1990's. The Lancia Aurelia is considered by many to be the first true G…

Classic, Cars
balade en lancia aurelia
balade en lancia aurelia

petite sortie d'une lancia aurélia, histoire de lui décalaminer ses pots d'échappements!

lancia, aurelia, citroen, traction, talbot, lago, simca, renault, dauphine, 4cv
SPR 2009 Lancia Aurelia's look like weed between the fabulous Lambda's
SPR 2009 Lancia Aurelia's look like weed between the fabulous Lambda's

Sliding Pillar Rally 2009, Lancia Augusta, March Augusta, Charles Augusta, Lambda, Lamda Astura and several Aurelia B20 GT's driving through the parking along with the bunch of Lambda's making the fleet of immaculate B-20's look common, but at ordina…

Francosporto, Lancia B20, Aurelia B20, Gianni Lancia not Bankrupt, Lancia B20-543, 3valve head, V6 3valve engine, Lancia Aurelia B20, classic cars, Lancia, Aurelia, B20, B21, sliding pillar rally, Martin Willems, Lancia Classic Cars, SPR 2009, Lancia Aurelia, SPR 2010, 2500GT
Driving the Lancia Aurelia B21 through Cheddar Gorge.
Driving the Lancia Aurelia B21 through Cheddar Gorge.

Slowly climbing through Cheddar Gorge during the 2010 SPR. Fabulous sound from gearbox and exhaust of our charming two liter V6 Aurelia B21 saloon.

Francosporto, Lancia B20, Aurelia B20, Gianni Lancia not Bankrupt, Lancia B20-543, 3valve head, V6 3valve engine, Lancia Aurelia B20, classic cars, Lancia, Aurelia, B20, B21, sliding pillar rally, Martin Willems, Lancia Classic Cars, SPR 2009, Lancia Aurelia, SPR 2010, 2500GT
Driving Martin Willems' Aurelia B21 into Wells, Summerset SPR2010.
Driving Martin Willems' Aurelia B21 into Wells, Summerset SPR2010.

All weekend sun shine Summerset Sliding Pillar Rally 2010 ended on Sunday in front of Wells Cathedral (in service by the bishop personally, not on video) and meeting all other Lancia Motor Club members.

Francosporto, Lancia B20, Aurelia B20, Gianni Lancia not Bankrupt, Lancia B20-543, 3valve head, V6 3valve engine, Lancia Aurelia B20, classic cars, Lancia, Aurelia, B20, B21, sliding pillar rally, Martin Willems, Lancia Classic Cars, SPR 2009, Lancia Aurelia, SPR 2010, 2500GT
Driving Martin's Lancia B21 at the 2010 SPR along Summerset
Driving Martin's Lancia B21 at the 2010 SPR along Summerset

Gorgeous V6 sound from our B21 Lancia Aurelia along gorges country lanes. While my #3900 Aurelia still was non operatable we had the ride of our lives in the ever charming B21 Saloon. A big thank you to Martin Willems and Wim of course.

Francosporto, Lancia B20, Aurelia B20, Gianni Lancia not Bankrupt, Lancia B20-543, 3valve head, V6 3valve engine, Lancia Aurelia B20, classic cars, Lancia, Aurelia, B20, B21, sliding pillar rally, Martin Willems, Lancia Classic Cars, SPR 2009, Lancia Aurelia, SPR 2010, 2500GT
Martin Willems' B20 on new pistons
Martin Willems' B20 on new pistons

Lancia Aurelia B21 overtaking Martin Willems' Aurelia B20 Coupe cruising at moderate speed on its way to Summerset Sliding Pillar Rally 2010 on brand new pistons along the A37 (NL). Martin is at the wheel driving his immaculate black 2500GT and the g…

Francosporto, Lancia B20, Aurelia B20, Gianni Lancia not Bankrupt, Lancia B20-543, 3valve head, V6 3valve engine, Lancia Aurelia B20, classic cars, Lancia, Aurelia, B20, B21, sliding pillar rally, Martin Willems, Lancia Classic Cars, SPR 2009, Lancia Aurelia, SPR 2010, 2500GT
Lancia Aurelia's showing of their Borani's
Lancia Aurelia's showing of their Borani's

Lancia Aurelia's in the parking ...... having these awfull nice, but quite expensive new Borani pressed aluminium wheels. Grrrrrrrr, I also would like to have them.

Francosporto, Lancia B20, Aurelia B20, Gianni Lancia not Bankrupt, Lancia B20-543, 3valve head, V6 3valve engine, Lancia Aurelia B20, classic cars, Lancia, Aurelia, B20, B21, sliding pillar rally, Martin Willems, Lancia Classic Cars, SPR 2009, Lancia Aurelia, SPR 2010, 2500GT
B20-543 1954 style engine upgrade kit for Lancia Aurelia
B20-543 1954 style engine upgrade kit for Lancia Aurelia

Lancia B20 engine upgrade to B20-543 1954 state of art solution to SOHC 3 valve actuation ............... It is all discussed at and even why Lancia did not need to go bankrupt at all .... and why this setup finally shows almos…

Francosporto, Lancia B20, Aurelia B20, Gianni Lancia not Bankrupt, Lancia B20-543, 3valve head, V6 3valve engine, Lancia Aurelia B20, classic cars, Lancia, Aurelia, B20, B21, sliding pillar rally, Martin Willems, Lancia Classic Cars, SPR 2009, Lancia Aurelia, SPR 2010, 2500GT
Lancia Aurelia Motor in parts on bench
Lancia Aurelia Motor in parts on bench

The Lancia B20 Engine anatomy in birds eye view with easy going comment from ever optimistic mechanic Wim. Attention for the unlucky Lancia Aurelia B20 2500GT crankshafts' discolored middle crank. It must have been hot there.

Francosporto, Lancia B20, Aurelia B20, Gianni Lancia not Bankrupt, Lancia B20-543, 3valve head, V6 3valve engine, Lancia Aurelia B20, classic cars, Lancia, Aurelia, B20, B21, sliding pillar rally, Martin Willems, Lancia Classic Cars, SPR 2009, Lancia Aurelia, SPR 2010, 2500GT
Early morning Lancia Lambda's at 2010 Sliding Pillar Rally.
Early morning Lancia Lambda's at 2010 Sliding Pillar Rally.

Fabulous view around two Lambda's in front of Francosporto's (with B21 Aurelia) Cottage during the 2010 SPR. Owners fabulous quote: Yes I bought this Lambda somewhere in '56 for fifty quit.

Francosporto, Lancia B20, Aurelia B20, Gianni Lancia not Bankrupt, Lancia B20-543, 3valve head, V6 3valve engine, Lancia Aurelia B20, classic cars, Lancia, Aurelia, B20, B21, sliding pillar rally, Martin Willems, Lancia Classic Cars, SPR 2009, Lancia Aurelia, SPR 2010, 2500GT
Lancia Aurelia B20 Cold Start
Lancia Aurelia B20 Cold Start

For the Sliding Pillar Rally 2009 we got on our way outrageously early on a cold and damp Emmer Compascuum morning with Martin Willems' B20 2500GT Aurelia on full choke and mild throttle.

classic cars, Lancia, Aurelia, B20, sliding pillar rally, Martin Willems, francosportofrancosporto, Lancia B20, Aurelia B20, Gianni Lancia not Bankrupt, Lancia B20-543, 3valve head, V6 3valve engine, Lancia Aurelia B20, B21, Lancia Classic Cars, SPR 2009, Lancia Aurelia, SPR 2010, 2500GT
Going around Francosporto's freshly sprayed Lancia Aurelia B20-3C
Going around Francosporto's freshly sprayed Lancia Aurelia B20-3C

After a lot of painstakingly thorough welding, panel beating, smoothing, sanding and spraying, Francosporto's "chalky pale blue" Aurelia B20-3C got back at Martin Willems' famous garage. Stunning body is understated. Spray job is immaculate !!!

Francosporto, Lancia B20, Aurelia B20, Gianni Lancia not Bankrupt, Lancia B20-543, 3valve head, V6 3valve engine, Lancia Aurelia B20, classic cars, Lancia, Aurelia, B20, B21, sliding pillar rally, Martin Willems, Lancia Classic Cars, SPR 2009, Lancia Aurelia, SPR 2010, 2500GT
Lancia Aurelia B20 3C intake manifolds with triple DCNF40
Lancia Aurelia B20 3C intake manifolds with triple DCNF40

Lancia Aurelia B20 experimental one off 3C intake manifolds testing triple Weber DCNF40 setup also discussed at by Francosporto himself .....

Francosporto, Lancia B20, Aurelia B20, Gianni Lancia not Bankrupt, Lancia B20-543, 3valve head, V6 3valve engine, Lancia Aurelia B20, classic cars, Lancia, Aurelia, B20, B21, sliding pillar rally, Martin Willems, Lancia Classic Cars, SPR 2009, Lancia Aurelia, SPR 2010, 2500GT
Flying over Francosporto's Lancia Aurelia B20/3C V6 Motor
Flying over Francosporto's Lancia Aurelia B20/3C V6 Motor

Francosporto's own 3C motor shows its 3 carbs and exhaust porting ...... and waiting for the big day getting reunited with my #3900 car.

Francosporto, Lancia B20, Aurelia B20, Gianni Lancia not Bankrupt, Lancia B20-543, 3valve head, V6 3valve engine, Lancia Aurelia B20, classic cars, Lancia, Aurelia, B20, B21, sliding pillar rally, Martin Willems, Lancia Classic Cars, SPR 2009, Lancia Aurelia, SPR 2010, 2500GT
Aurelia B21 picture
Designer Pininfarina
Year 1950

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