MvC3 Character Theme Comparison - Part 2 of 2


Check out my Tatsunoko VS Capcom comparison videos! and Back-to-back comparison of the characters' themes with the songs they originated from. The original song is played first, then the updated MvC3 rearrangement. Note that these are merely samplings (approximately 30 seconds long each). All songs are the property of Capcom and any composers and/or subsidiaries associated with them. I will not advise where to locate full-length downloads. Due to time restraints on YouTube, the video compilation was split into two. I arranged the characters by their order used in MvC3 itself (ie, Gallery Mode). Part one can be found here: Every Capcom character in the game has a theme arranged from a song that originated in one of their earlier titles (usually their debut title). The only exception is Chris; the gaming community has been scratching their heads over this one, and collectively they have decided that it is an original theme that never appeared in a past Resident Evil title. It's worth noting that the melody does bear some similarities to Mercenaries Mode themes used in Resident Evil 5. Any Marvel character previously playable in any of the Capcom-produced "versus" Marvel fighters (including pre-"versus" titles, X-Men: Children of the Atom and Marvel Super Heroes) have rearrangements of their themes used in these games. Note that these themes are not always from their debut titles. (For example, Wolverine and Hulk have vastly <b>...</b>


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