Resident Evil The Series (full episode) - 1x07 - The Most Dangerous Game (RE1R 4/4).avi


Complete episode, provided at viewer request. Download using YouTube Downloader or your favorite such app. --------------------------------------------------- This is a "what if?" or rough cut look at what a TV series based on the story of the actual Resident Evil videogames might be like. It has been produced using high quality capture footage from the games themselves, as well as several supplemental videos released by Capcom® over the years. Quality (and consistency, to some degree) is limited by the video resolution of the sources and how the games were played by those doing the captures. It's an interesting way of previewing something that RE fans have demanded for years. Will Capcom ever follow up on this idea? Only time will tell. Episode 1x07 - "The Most Dangerous Game" Events come to a series of climaxes for the surviving members of RPD STARS, as events of the mansion incident draw to their conclusion. Jill discovers Barry's treachery, but too late to stop a fight with one of the Spencer Estate's oldest and most horrifying inhabitants. In the meantime, Chris and Rebecca delve deeper into the estate's underground labs. As Jill and Barry finish with their business and race to catch up with them, an old friend awaits them at the heart of the lab - confident that the combat data gathered on the STARS survivors is what he needs to finish programming Umbrella's latest and greatest creation. It is the Tyrant, an unstoppable killing machine, and the STARS survivors will <b>...</b>


1x07, The, Most, Dangerous, Game, RE1R

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