Hyundai Santa Fe 0-60 3.3L (and Video Update)


Hyundai Santa Fe 0-50, 40, 60, and 40 run, and a video update. Contest video soon for up to 9 free Microsoft Office 2010. Still love our more powerful 2003 Honda Odyssey. Very reliable, transmission jolts, but 125000+ miles strong and no problems unlike this Santa Fe with less than 21000 miles when the transmission needed to be replaced or our 2003 BMW 745 Li with 50000 miles and needed to have the transmission replaced because problems and clunking when downshifting. Honda all the way. This video was 360 MB Recorded with both Flip Ultra HD and Sony DSC W350


Hyundai, Slow, Hate, Gay Car santa fe, Flip Ultra HD

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