Great Japanese Red Maples For De
Call 215 651 8329 http http Ten ways to use trees Cut soil erosion Rows of trees break the wind on flatter lands and healthy forests protect soil from water erosion on hillsides. Improve air & water quality A forest floor of leaves and decaying wood acts as a giant sponge by absorbing, holding and filtering water; one acre of trees provides fresh, clean oxygen for seven people and will clean the air polluted by eight cars operated for 12 hours. Increase income Properly managed trees can provide excellent sources of income, such as the sale of trees or wood products. Save energy Recent studies show windbreaks can reduce winter fuel consumption by 10 to 30 percent. Trees also save energy by shading -- one tree has the cooling effect of five air conditioners. Protect livestock Trees reduce the wind and can significantly reduce animal stress. Livestock not only need less feed, but their gains are higher. Shade provided by trees is also helpful to animals on very hot summer days. Sound barrier Trees and windbreaks reduce noise from high-speed traffic and other sounds. Plant leaves, branches and twigs all absorb sounds of different frequencies. Home for wildlife Wooded areas make valuable cover, nesting and breeding areas for upland game and songbirds. In winter, when all other food is blanketed with snow, seeds and fruits of trees and shrubs provide food for nonmigratory species. Living snow fence In snow country, properly locating a <b>...</b>
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