"Wear a flower in your hair, bring a warm jacket" Indianajill's photos around San Francisco


Preview of Indianajill's blog at TravelPod. Read the full blog here: www.travelpod.com This blog preview was made by TravelPod using the TripAdvisor™ TripWow slideshow creator. Entry from: San Francisco, United States Entry Title: "Wear a flower in your hair, bring a warm jacket" Entry: "No matter what time of the day you leave, it is always a rush getting to the airport and getting checked in. This time through security I must have looked like a threat to national security. Not only did I have to take my shoes off, every inch of my carry on bag was searched, and I do mean every inch. Every page of my photo books were examined (and I don't think it was because of my amazing photography and writing), all of my camera attachments were taken out of their bags, and the person causing all of this aggravation wanted to know why I had a fold up bag in my carry on: (hello, I am a women and I am going to San Francisco). Really it was too much. Other then that it was a quick trip (2 plus hours) and we were there - beautiful California. But first we had to get out of the airport. I had prearranged a shuttle, but finding our way to Ground Transportation proved tricky. Do not confuse signs that say Hotel shuttles with those "other" shuttles going to hotels. After a few tries,a few questions and locating to another level in the airport we finally found our way to the correct pick up point. We were probably lucky to arrive late, we were last onto the shuttle and it headed right downtown <b>...</b>


brought a flower in your hair, wear a flower handbag, wear, flower, your, hair, bring, warm, jacket, san francisco, california, united states, trip, slideshow, tripwow, tripadvisor, photography, vacation, photos

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