U2 Mysterious Ways cover
Cover of Mysterious Ways, from one of my favorite albums: Achtung Baby. I liked the slane castle version, but this backing track is from the popmart tour. A bit of a mix. I used the Korg A3 with the following settings: ......A....B....C.....D....E....F OVD1..64...44...3.60..9....3.50 WAH2..100..60...80....1....20... xcit..off DLY1..210..0....-35...22...-....6 FLN1..0.80.14...55....0....0.2..54 PL1...1.7..16...20....6....2....8 Got these settings from this guy: www.youtube.com Backing Track from this site: homepage.ntlworld.com I used my Fender thinline 69 telecaster and my Vox AC15C1. The amount of Wah is dependent on the input volume. This telecaster hasn't got the amount of output like a strat or rickenbacker, so the input volume knob on the korg is at max. Guitars with a lot of output volume do have a different "sweet spot". I don't know anybody who would lend me his Rickenbacker 330 12 string :P So maybe some day I will buy my own :)
mysterious, ways, u2, korg, a3, settings, fender, thinline, telecaster, red, vox, ac15c1, ac15, rock, yeah, wietjeniet, lub, is, gek
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