New Chaos Marauder Video


This video was hijacked from BuffedShow #55 at It shows some of the mutation and attacks of the Marauder Class in Warhammer Online. The missing German audio from the video relays this information: (Thanks Vortex at WHA) 1. First mutation you get is the claw. It's supposed to work well against targets with high armor (doing some kind of "slicing" attack) 2. Second mutation is referred to as a "blade", an axe/sword thingy (so not really a crab claw), it's supposed to do something like burst-damage with "hit-combinations" (he mentions the channeling bar during the attack), it'd be useful against lightly armored targets to take them down fast. 3. Third mutation, the club, does aoe damage and has an aoe knockdown effect. 4. The marauder is vulnerable to enemy attacks during the mutation phase (he doesn't really say if that also means extra damage being taken). You can not abort the mutation process and will therefore be unable to react to threats during this phase.


Chaos, Marauder, Warhammer, Online, WAR, warmongers, Osyshnir, MMORPG

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