Warhammer Online - Marauder PvP 1.4.0 IceKoldKillah RR8X


Hey all old marauder vid 1 vs X in this vid i wear def sov and off sov... Patch 1.4.0 Name:icekoldkillah Server:Karak Norn Guild:The Dark Council Renown Rank:8X Marauder ■ ◘ ■ ◘ ■ ◘ ■ ◘ ■ ◘ ■ ◘ ■ ◘ ■ ◘ ■ ◘ ■ ◘ ■ The Marauder is the Melee DPS career of the Raven Host Chaos army. The Marauders are the wild warriors of the Northmen, filled with the power of Chaos and gifted with Mutations by the Dark Gods (Tzeentch in this case). The Marauder focuses on melee combat and variously mutates his arm to increase his effectiveness at various types of attacks. Speciality There are three different mutations that the Marauder can reshape his body into, each of which serves a specific purpose and offers its own benefits. By changing his very body as needed, the Marauder is capable of dispatching most any enemy, but he must always be aware of the flow of battle and ready to mutate into a different form as necessary. A Marauder who chooses poorly will find his punishment to be swift and immediate, for he is helpless and vulnerable during the few moments that it takes his body to flow into a new form, and a perceptive enemy will leap at the chance to take advantage of this brief window of weakness. Path of Brutality Mutation of Brutality The Path of Brutality is focused around the Marauder's ability to warp his arm into a sharpened spike of bone. This blade-like appendage can deal horrifying injuries to an enemy, and a player specialized deeply in Brutality will <b>...</b>


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