Animated Commercials Part 8: Kool-Aid to 3 Muskateers


1. Kool-Aid (with 1001 Knights story) 2. Fizzies (The Clown who Never Smiled) 3. Salada Tea Bags with the Dancing Clock 4. Early 1970s Hawaiian Punch Lemon Pink with Punchy 5. Cartoon Clip 6. AMC Nash Ambassador and Statesman 1955 with Jimney Cricket 7. AMC Nash Rambler 1955 with Brer Rabbit 8. AMC Nash Ambassador and Statesman with Mickey Mouse and Pluto 9. Beatles cartoon clip 10. 3 Muskateers candy bar **These commercials are from my Best of Animated Commercials Set, ranging from the 1950s to the early 1970s. Also includes clips from cartoons**


1950s, 1960s, 1970s, commercials, animated, cartoons, television, Kool-aid, punch, knights, Fizzies, clowns, salada, tea, Hawaiian Punch, lemon pink, Punchy, AMC, Nash, Ambassador, Statesman, Rambler, Jimney Cricket, Brer Rabbit, 1955, car, Mickey Mouse, Pluto, 3 Muskateers, candy bar, Beatles

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