Jeff Scott Soto Band w/ Dave Meniketti - Mean Streak (rehearsal)
The Jeff Scott Soto Band with guest frontman Dave Meniketti of Y&T rehearsing the Y&T classic "Mean Streak" for a performance later that evening at the Little Fox Theater in Redwood City, California. This is the 1st time they all ever played this song together. October 25, 2007. Filmed by Gary Schutt for Shut Up Productions. JSS Band: Jeff Scott Soto - vox Howie Simon - gtr Gary Schutt - bass Dave Dzialak - drums
Gary, Schutt, Howie, Simon, Dave, Dzialak, Jeff, Soto, Meniketti, Yesterday, Today, Y&T, guitar, shred, rock, metal, Talisman, Journey, Alcatrazz, Yngwie, Graham, Bonnet, Little, Fox, Bay, Area, Redwood, City, JSS
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