mass effect 2: beginner's vanguard tutorial vol. 6 (say hello to the scimitar)
With these vids I'm setting out to try and show people that knowledge of the maps while beneficial certainly isn't a requirement for good vanguard gameplay. So I'm trying to stick to the principles that I think are essential to good vanguard play (charge enemies towards the rear to set up flanking formations, charge enemies on their own, and when charging groups try for groups of 3 or less and make use of AOE stuns/damage from your squad while you are there) while bypassing the little tricks you learn from knowing the map. I'll be trying to stick to attacking only enemies that you would either see for yourself or see on your radar and that would fall under those principles. As an added bit of challenge and also just for the fact that not everyone owns all the DLC I'll be sticking with standard issue weapons and armor that everyone has access to.
sinosleep, mass, effect, vanguard, shotguns, tutorial, beginner, low, level, bioware, guide, gaming, pc, tps, rpg, dlc, strategy
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