[Second Life] Federal Signal Thunderbolt T1003 Air Raid / Tornado Siren Demo


A demonstration of Kamenev Industries, Inc. Air Raid Siren #1 - the Federal Signal Thunderbolt T-1003. I've been meaning to make videos of them in action for ages, but finally got around to it. FAQ: Yes, I know it's not a perfect replica of a T1003. It was my first siren, 3+ years ago. Gimme a break. This is in a "virtual world" (I dislike the term 'game' for it) called Second Life. You can get into it at www.secondlife.com. (PRO TIP: Viewer 2 sucks, get Emergence or another 3rd party viewer) These are replica(ish) sirens that I sold at one time over the marketplace. As of the posting of this video, however, they are no longer available to buy from there. If you're interested in one, they are L$250 and you may IM me directly for the purchase of one. No, I will not "give" you one. Please do not send me money in SL and then expect me to automatically deliver one. IM me FIRST for info before you send me anything. And don't IM me with "hi" and say nothing else, I *WILL NOT REPLY* if you do this... unless I'm online, and then I'll debate doing so.


Second, Life, air, raid, siren, tornado, Thunderbolt

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