
ALICE RAMSEY TARRYTOWN ARRIVAL JUNE 9TH 2009 AT THE OLD MAXWELL BRISCOE CAR FACTORY PLANT REMAINS.............. The Challenge: they found only one 1909 Maxwell DA left in existence and it wasnt for sale. After a wide search Rich began to find pieces from around the world and began to rebuild another 1909 Maxwell DA, a near-extinct relic, but not without the help of numerous friends and colleagues. Their goal: to complete the car for June 9th, 2009 the 100-year anniversary of Alices landmark drive and drive away from 1930 Broadway with Emily at the helm and three other women in the car to support. The final destination of the celebration is the St. James Hotel in San Francisco, California - exactly where the 1909 trip concluded and along the way multiple celebrations & events to pay homage to womens accomplishments during the last century. Its a massive undertaking but a celebration of this magnitude is bound to draw 1000s of people out to support and cheer as they putt through the small towns and major cities. Keep your eyes peeled for a rather unusual sightfour women in an open air automobile, driving across America. Care for a ride? There are ways you too can join in the fun! Keep reading! The Alices Drive Team



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