Jared: We'll talk about it in, in Vancouver, because it hasn't come out yet, and.. *'aws'* Jensen: You can talk about that, you can prep them. Jared: Okay there's a scene where, Jensen: It's a scene, in a field, with young Sam. Jared: Yeah. There's a scene in a field with young Sam. Young Sam is uh, not 18 years old. Jensen: Colin Ford. *everyone claps* Jensen: Colin is absolutely great, in fact talk about somebody who has excitement for what he does and passion for being on set and doing this. I mean, I was there, I'll give you [something] so you don't have to [something?]. It was.. *pointing to Jared* he wasn't there obviously because it was young Sam. But I was doing a scene with young Sam. And uh, Jared: Yeaaahh?! *looks happy and excited and claps* Jensen: And Colin had reached his cut-off, and he couldn't work anymore. And he was visibly upset. He wanted to continue to work, because they weren't done shooting with him. And so what happened was they has to bring in somebody who was of age, who was 18 years old. Well, that still looked like a young boy, and there's no guy that was 18 years old that they could get that looked like a young boy, so they got a young girl. *everyone starts laughing/yelling* Jared: To play young Sam. Jensen: To play young Sam. They brought in an 18-year old girl to play a, what, 10 year old Sam? Jared: To play like a 10 year old Sam, they had to go with a 18 year old girl. Jensen: And, needless to say, she wasn't the most masculine person <b>...</b>