C30NE conversion on 1986 Opel Monza 30E GM6 Spares Co 01736 810500 (unfinished)


First brief and tentative test drive after getting the C30NE Monza GSE conversion up and running. Engine bay unfinished, much tidying up needs to be done including getting rid of redundant Motronic auto gearbox wiring. Was 30E with Bosch LE injection, now C30NE (but without the cats) and Motronic. Modified Senator C30NE downpipes which mate up with standard Monza centre section exhaust, modified crankshaft pulley reluctor ring (from Frontera C24NE) so that existing V-belt-driven ancillaries could be retained. Main features over original injection are fully integrated injection and ignition timing, crankshaft position sensor, Lambda sensor, solid fuel rail with different injectors, larger airflow meter and air filter box, and diagnostics plug. Engine management warning light fitted into modified instrument unit.


Opel, Monza, C30NE, GM6, Spares, Co

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