All The Best, All The Worst of 2010


Washington (CNN) - Day 45 of our captivity. The final graphics are going in. Katie, the producer, is answering aloud the voices in her head. Ross and Dave, the editors, are huddled in the corner with canned goods. Me? I'm calm. Collected. Even happy. After all, who knew such a nice ledge was just outside my window? So maybe I'm being a shade overdramatic, but our annual struggle to produce our opus compendium of the year, "All the Best, All the Worst," is enough to drive even normally implacable TV types, who eat stress like popcorn, into twitching fits. How do you pick the best, worst, funniest, saddest, weirdest, meanest, coolest, craziest, scariest, sexiest, seamiest stories of the year from everything that happened? As best I can tell, one at a time. Katie and I begin assembling the list right after New Year's. We note each major development in the key fields of news: politics, breaking stories, the economy, the arts, sports, technology, science, and pop culture to name a few. We also jot down countless little things - small developments which might not mean much in April, for example, but could be a big deal by October. We create long, rambling lists of quotes, statistics, and video clips. We weight them constantly against each other, like a cook checking the bubbling broth for just the right mix of pepper, salt, oregano, and all the other spices. We argue over what matters and what doesn't. We debate where to draw the line: Which celebrities are interesting and <b>...</b>


2010 in Review, 2010, 2011 Preview, BP Oil Spill, 2011, Tea Party, obama, Haiti Earthquake

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