Starting a1976 Australian Leyland Morris Mini Clubman Estate
The first starting of our "new" Australia Leyland Mini Clubman Estate (I think)... right handed drive... from Australia. Or it may be a Mini Estate. This is when my son first started it... it was sitting in a driveway in Seattle for two years. Now it is "home", and boy is my son excited! Unfortunately, in trying to start it a second time, I fried the silinoid (spelling), so it won't start. Anyone know where I can get parts in the USA for this? And it feels like the brakes are locked up. But all in all, for being a 1976, it's in GREAT shape. Also, there is some debate on if it is a Clubman Van, or an Estate Van (it does have rear side and back windows) Or a Clubman Estate. It has external hinges, but pull up door handles mark it as definitely from Oz! The paint sticker inside says "Yellow Devil". After years of having 3 minivans, I finally have a Mini van! Or maybe it's a Mini Estate? BTW, my son says in the video "a Mini Cooper". It's not a Mini Cooper. It's a Morris Mini.
Australia, Leyland, Morris, Mini, 1976, Clubman, Estate, Van