Austin Citizens Battle Water Fluoridation - Part 2 of 2 (Toxic Waste)


Full unedited video: This video is from citizens communication in front of the Austin Environmental Board dealing with city water fluoridation on December 2nd 2009. Austin Fluoridation Report MSDS Sheets on the product used to Fluoridate Austin Water Fluoride Free Austin Fluoride Action Network Information on Edward L. Bernays, the father of modern propaganda. Here's what Austinites can do to HELP: Action item-1: Email or telephone the City Council politely urging that they convene the independent, unbiased task force/committee the Environmental Board envisioned. Action item-2: Email or telephone the City Council politely urging an end to water fluoridation, based on mounting scientific evidence of harm, uselessness for its professed purpose of improving children's dental health, and cost issues. You can conveniently email all council members from the Take Action tab. Their phone numbers can be found under the Council Members tab. Action item-3: Contact Assistant City Manager Rudy Garza to politely let him know that we, the public, are the largest group of stakeholders and we demand a place at the table. Mayor Lee Leffingwell Phone: (512) 974-2250 Fax: (512) 974-2337 Chris Riley, Council Member Place 1 Phone: (512) 974-2260 Fax: (512) 974-3212 Mike Martinez, Mayor Pro Tem Phone: (512) 974-2264 Fax: (512) 974-1887 Randi Shade, Council <b>...</b>


Fluoride, Austin, Texas, City, council, environmental, board, edward, l., bernays, toxic, agribusiness, by-product, by, product, byproduct, hazardous, waste, toothpaste, alex, jones, flourosis, mike, hanson, ron, paul

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