-Voz de Alejandro: Germán. -Voz de Germán: Alejandro. Esto es lo que ocurre cuando se juntan varios factores con son: tener bajo presupuesto, tener poco tiempo y, lo que es más importante, estar "mu corgaos". El doblaje está realizado en vivo y en di…
Video-felicitación, cumpleaños, raul, fran, corgaos, doblaje-cutreVolvo S40 2004-09 models mfg. after Feb. 2004FRONTAL OFFSET TEST OVERALL EVALUATION: Good Structure/safety cage Injury measures Restraints/dummy kinematics Head/neck Chest Leg/foot, left Leg/foot, right Good Good Good Good Good Good Important: Fronta…
Crash, Test, of, 2004, Volvo, S40, w/sab40 MPH
Crash, test, Opel, Frontera, euroncap, firedemon, 101EuroNCAP Crash-test ADAC - 1 Stars
Brilliance, china, crash, Death, Cars, hunt, 98, terBrilliance reworked the BS6 and put it into a crashtest under EuroNCAP conditions with much better results. And the Chinese are fast: it took them only 79 days to apply the improvements! This should make us think what they'll be able to in the future…
Brilliance, BS6, BS, 6, Test, crash, euroncap, Euro, NCAP, 3, stars, star, new, improved, better, ADAC, CHICAR, 2346A clip of a 2007 Brilliance BS6 (Chinese automaker). Horrible results.
crash, car, truck, race, vehicle, test, alch, mist, 80crash
crash, test, xxxcrash, XXXSpektakulär: Sogar die Fahrgastzelle wird im Test verformt. Details zum Brilliance BS6 finden Sie unter bit.ly
ADAC, Auto, Brilliance, Chinese, Testavto-credit.com Остальные краш-тесты здесь: avto-credit.com Остальные краш-тесты здесь: avto-credit.com Остальные краш-тесты здесь: avto-credit.com Остальные краш-тесты здесь: avto-credit.com Остальные краш-тесты здесь: avto-credit.com Остальные краш…
краш-тест, Brilliance, BS6, авто, автомобиль, машина, avtocreditcomRe-upload! Those $§/&%$%$§$ deleted my account without explanation! This video had more than 1 million views although it was flagged! My old name was jospi69. I will upload the other parts as well. Part 2: www.youtube.com Part 3: www.youtube.com Part…
Top, Gear, China, Bugatti, Veyron, F1, plane, free, nascar, paris, hilton, slow, motion, slowmotion, landwind, adac, crashtest, drifting, Brilliance, BS6, ferrari, porsche, fatal, chase, police, motorcycle, jospiBG Song: LSY's "最後のわがまま" ** Note: This video is not racist in any way, if you're chinese and get angry easily or can't handle the truth, please don't watch this ** Video Description/Opinion: Anybody who understands East Asian culture and history will…
auto, cars, china, communist, crash, test, communism, atheist, islam, pet, food, poison, toothpaste, lead, seafood, safety, safe, loveutube, 77hi everyone i am making videos of different car companies from a number of different counties and now i am introducing the Chinese car company Brilliance sit down and enjoy thumbs up comment much appreciate it :-) 1. Brilliance BS2 2. Brilliance BC3…
Car, Companies, China, Brilliance, Annihilator, 1111Someone I know recommended that I watch the crash test of the Brilliance BS6, and while I was naturally horrified at the ensuing wreck, I was impressed by the rigor of the testers at the ADAC (though the only word of German that I know is "nein"); of…
toy, bus, car, crash, test, car crash, crash test, bus crash, toy crash test, car crash test, toy car crash test, ps, fyzixLos coches no son juguetes, pero las marcas chinas no se dan cuenta. Estos tests están realizados a 64 Km/hy simulan el choque de un coche contra otro (es mejor no pensar que pasaría con estes coches a 120 Km/h). En una "honrosa" tercera posición est…
Coches, Crash, Test, Chinese, Cras, Brilliance, BS6, Chery, Amulet, Jiangling, Landwind, paulo, Sandar尊馳(CHINA)
華晨汽車尊馳CHINA, CF, CM, TVC, AD, BRILLIANCE, BS6, GALANTVIVACEALIM2630, julianaavasconcelos
Euro NCAP - Brilliance car crash
Crash, Test, Chinese, Car, Euro, NCAP, Brilliance, China, videocrashtest#2 chinese car has failed
chinese, cheap china, fail, car, crash, ancap, jyems99, jyems, 99While authorities in Beijing promise to crack down on counterfeiting, Germany's premium carmaker BMW is suing China's Shuanghuan for cloning one of its models and selling it at a lower price. Toyota, BMW, Mercedes, Jeep: All the major brands were on…
china, carmaker, SUV, Toyota, BMW, Mercedes, Jeep, Shuanghuan, Automobiles, France, chinese, auto, 双环汽车speakChinese car crash test---Chery A520 (J5) Elara
Chinese, car, crash, test---Chery, A520, (J5), Elara, gutliyang, 82