America's Next Top Sim Model Cycle 3 Episode 11 (Part 3?)
*NOTE* Thanks so much to Iokl10sims! I loved my Secret Santa presents so much! It totally inspired what I think is one of my best shoots for this cycle! Episode 11.5/11 (part 3) "Take Me Out Top The Ball" The remaining four models go straight to their shoot with Tyra right after elimination where they have to pose as fierce Masquerade Ball guests. Then, it's panel again where the models are asked the infamous question about who they believe has the most and least potential. SO SORRY FOR THE ELIMINATED SIM!!! I REALLY DO LOVE ALL MY TOP 4 AND THIS WAS A REALLY HARD DECISION! On an positive note congrats to the top 3! YAY! To check out the photos go to: :TAGS:: ::TAGS:: Sims next top model Antm episode 3 America's next top model cycle 11 Cycle 12 season premiere teaser apply promo final 13 girls new fresh young seventeen magazine covergirl season finale soundtrack sound track winner antm cycle 1 cycle 2 cycle 4 cycle 5 cycle 7 cycle 8 cycle 9 cycle 10 America´s next top model cycle 11 Contestants: Sheena, Analeigh, Elina, clark, lauren brie McKey marjorie samantha Joslyn Nykeisha britney shauraun hannah isis America's next top model cycle 10 contestant: Kimberly Atalya Allison Amis Marvita Aimee Claire Stacey Ann Lauren Katarzyna (best model =D) Dominique Fatima Anya Winner Whitney plus size Sntm sims next top model cycle 3 cycle 4 cycle 5 cycle 2 new great cycle 8 Fashion seventeen covergirl prada gucci dior channel luis vuiton Photoshoot AUSNTM BNTM <b>...</b>
ANTSM, cycle, America's, Next, Top, Sim, Model, revealed
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